In Timeless Honor, modern woman Jaye Ramsey ignores her beloved yet eccentric grandmother’s warning about time travel and vacations in Bolivia with her friends. While touring the vast salt flats, the Salar de Uyuni, she stumbles upon a swirling vortex and wakes up in the 18th century. There she meets the moody, reclusive Lucas Kenway, third Baron Hawksatter. He’s also her grandmother’s first husband of less than twenty-four hours, whose marriage was never consummated.
In Timeless Beginnings, Leonora Harris flees her newly wedded husband’s home for the shelter of the forest and finds a mystical portal, which transports her from the 1700s to the 1960s. Lost in the cold, pristine salt flats of Bolivia, she meets the secretive Rodger Ramsey, an engineer with a hidden agenda.
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What I love to read and write...
My go-to books for a relaxing evening are basically anything. (I’m not a picky reader as long as the editing is excellent.) My favorites include contemporary, suspense, historical, and paranormal/time travel books (all under the romance umbrella). I write in those sub-genres, too, but lately I’ve been focusing on small-town contemporary romances and urban romantic-suspense.
If you like to read sweet, clean books, I’ve got a few of those.
But if you prefer books that are so spicy you’ll need a cold shower afterward, that’s what I specialize in!
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