I’m pleased to announce today is the first official day I’m using my new WordPress blog.
I’ve been a long time user of Blogger, but after much procrastination, I’ve finally decided to make the switch.
My reasons?
WP has a lot of more features than Blogger, the layout is more professional, and it’s a blogsite and website in one. Also, I’m not fond of Blogger’s new design, so now was the perfect time to make the move.
I hope you find my new site fun, sexy, and informative. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments or email section. I’d love to hear from you.
Check back later today for my first guest post…
But for now, let’s celebrate the beginning of many years with WP.

Good luck with your new blog. Welcome to the family.
Larry Archer
Thanks, Larry. I’m really enjoying WP so far. 🙂
If I can be of service, let me know?