The Abcynians Book IV
Genre: Paranormal Romance
#Giveaway & #BookRelease for #Scandalous by #FrancesStockton
The Royal Advisor to the King of the Abcynians, Nicholas, Duke of Arrington, is inscrutable, lofty, and elusive. A widower with two grown sons and no intention of remarrying, he never expects to meet Miss Regan Saunders while walking through Parade Gardens. Aware that she’s his destined mate, he’s fascinated. For not only is she prepared to push the boundaries of society’s expectations of a gentlewoman to become a doctor, she’s an Abcynian Guard, therefore, capable of protecting his and his family’s secrets.
Due to horrific betrayal by his first duchess, he believes it’s best to court her with the utmost discretion to avoid a scandal that could lead to her ruination. Nevertheless, when Regan becomes the target of a macabre killer, Nicholas will stop at nothing to protect her, including marriage.
Despite the rushed circumstances, it isn’t long before they open their hearts, falling in love, neither aware that an assassin has been plotting with an ancient adversary to destroy the Abcynians for centuries. To expose the truth, they’ll risk everything they hold dear to stop a predator before it’s too late.
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H183BDG
Barnes and Noble: https://books2read.com/u/38MNXB?fbclid=IwAR0BNzUkA4ubcF8atgyJIhGH_Nsd7xrCHF0vwACAz2Ey5OzYNhl1oudtgJk
Itunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1529754700
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Author Bio

My love for storytelling began when I created my first fictional characters in kindergarten, convincing my family and friends that Red Henry and Green Henry were identical twin brothers in my school. They were mischievous, rarely did their homework, and even had girlfriends! Years later, I started to write, completing my first manuscript in middle school. I confess the heroine was a cross between a contemporary Laura Ingalls Wilder and Nancy Drew, who’d been dating one of the Hardy Boys, but when I wrote “the end” I’d known I had more stories to tell.
To learn more about me, my books, and what’s coming next, check out my new website and blog: https://francesstocktonauthor.com/
Author Social Media links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/francesmstockton
Website: https://francesstocktonauthor.com/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/francesstockton
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/francesstockton/
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