From Estelle…
Firstly, Amber, thank you for giving me the opportunity for this guest post. I’ll start by introducing myself: I’m an Australian living in Norway with my Norwegian husband and two kids. I’m an avid romance reader and I’ve been reading romance stories since I was fifteen.
Lessons on Seduction, published by Black Velvet Seductions, is my debut novel, an erotic romance that actually started off as a sweet college romance in its first draft. However, a few people challenged me write something on the steamy side during the writing process, so I dared and pushed the boundaries.
I wanted a hot romance book with a decent plot, a protagonist who is empowering and feminine, and a love interest who is intelligent, sexy, and relatable. So, I ended up doing some major revamps on the story, and the result is an erotic romance.
The protagonist, Sapphire Blake, is not a pushover. She is a bold, young woman who breaks away from societal expectations to find what she wants in life. Through her best friend, she meets her lover, Julian, who gives her both independence and courage in their relationship. All in all, I was inspired by the concepts of freedom, equality, and empowerment; both Sapphire and Julian personify that in their own ways.
I owe my writing to every person who gave me encouragement, particularly a group of writers via a writing community called Wattpad. Without their support, I wouldn’t have dared to submit my manuscript to a romance publisher. I was naturally over the moon and thrilled when Black Velvet Seductions accepted Lessons on Seduction.
I recently submitted a short story, which my publisher accepted for a cowboy romance anthology coming in the near future. I’m now working on the second book in the Seduction series, which is Julian’s sister Vera’s story.

When college student Sapphire Blake finds herself fresh out of a breakup, she is ready to embark on a new journey in her life. A dark, sensual journey. Freeing herself from the expectations set by her family, friends, and church, an innocent and unworldly Sapphire begins experimenting with her new casual lover, Vera Richland.
Julian Richland is ridiculously handsome, smart, and intimidating. This university professor finds himself enthralled in a sensual relationship with a woman willing to pay top money for his time in the bedroom. To pay off his debts and continue leading his lavish lifestyle, Julian discovers the world filled with sex, drugs, and lies may not be for him as he first thought. With his contract almost up, Julian has his sights set on a new endeavor.
When the pair are introduced by none other than Julian’s own sister, sparks are ignited as Julian sees past the conservative stigma Sapphire believes the world has placed on her. Instead, he sees a sexy vixen—and he can’t help but admit he wants her.
As the couple begins a dangerous, passionate liaison, secrets become exposed and lives are threatened. Will Julian be able to save his relationship with Sapphire and rekindle the fiery flame they share? Or, will fate have another ending in store? Find out in this thrilling and erotic new adult romance novel.
“Sapphire, you are an exquisitely flawed and beautiful soul. Your flaws make you perfectly who you are. Alluring. Ethereal. Recherché—a treasure,” Julian said.
“And what of beauty? I’ve seen your choice of women, and they are beautiful. You have admirable taste, and it appears that you have a gratifying lifestyle,” I complimented.
“I like to think of myself as an Epicurean rather than a Stoic. I am a person devoted to a lifestyle of sensual enjoyment, especially when it is mixed with fine food and wine,” Julian declared.
“Well then, I am glad we met. For too long, I have lived the life of a Stoic, accepting the status quo without complaining,” I sighed, smiling at my date.
I took a bite of my doughnut, which oozed with strawberry filling, then sipped the rich taste of my cappuccino to quench my thirst for the aromatic warmth.
“Saph, I want to let you know that I’m not obsessed with appearances. After all, we are like the leaves that begin dewy-fresh in the youth of spring, become golden in the prime of summer, and brittle in the autumn, eventually fading away into nothingness.”
Julian paused, then looked at me.
“It’s the mind that showcases a world of beauty, and the heart that keeps it warm.” He gently tapped my forehead as a gesture of appreciation of the mind.
His eyes crinkled as he grinned, revealing a wide, pearly-white smile. He didn’t smile very often, but how wonderful it was when he did.
“I see the warmth of your heart in your smile,” I commented.
“How does that make you feel, love?”
“It’s delightful. I feel like I’m walking on air.”
Purchasing links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Ng8YbD or https://books2read.com/u/47XXGj
Black Velvet Seductions: https://blackvelvetseductions.com/?product=lessons-on-seduction
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lessons-on-seduction-estelle-pettersen/1137207103?ean=2940162723004
Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/no/book/lessons-on-seduction/id1519813153
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/no/en/ebook/lessons-on-seduction
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/EstellePettersen

About the author
Estelle Pettersen is an Australian author and former journalist whose romance stories explore empowerment, freedom, and finding one’s strength. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Journalism and Psychology, from the University of Queensland, Australia. Her second degree is an MBA from Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She is a member of Romance Writers of Australia and is passionate about history, languages, cultures, traveling, food, and wine. She is happily married and living in Norway these days.
Author links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elusiveromance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elusive_6788
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elusive_6788
Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/author/estellepettersen
Author website: https://elusiveromance.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20482227.Estelle_Pettersen
Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/estellepettersen
MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/estellepettersen
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/estelle-pettersen-3716741b1/
Blog link: https://elusiveromance.com/blog/
Thank you, Amber, for featuring my book “Lessons on Seduction” on your blog today.
You’re very welcome, Estelle. I’m glad to host both you and your book. 🙂
Fantastic story and what a spirited, beautiful heroine!
Thank you, Alice
Well done, on both the interview and the book! (I admit, I’m still feeling kinda smug that I got to read it early!) 😉
Thank you and I’m glad you enjoyed the book 🙂
I just started reading this story and from what I can tell, the author has a way with words that allow you to picture the scene in your head. I can’t wait to read more. 🙂
Thank you, Patricia
Great blog.
I love this line from your spicy novel: “It’s the mind that showcases a world of beauty, and the heart that keeps it warm.”
Thank you, Callie. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Great blog Amber, I loved the book Lessons on Seduction, a very talented author. can’t wait to hear her next story.
Thank you, Ric.
Great interview Estelle, Lessons on Seduction is next on my list to read and I truly CANNOT wait to dive into it for I already created my playlist for it and all that’s left is my choice of drink and snacks ❤.
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