#MFRWSteam – He stripped away his jeans and boxers…

MFRWhooks #MFRWauthor #NewAdult #ContemporaryRomance #hot #HEA #ChristmasRomance
Book 3 in the Handmade for Christmas series
Heat Rating – Spicy – 3 Flames 
New Adult Christmas novella


Krista Hartley never expected the unrequited love of her life, the irresistible Derek Weston, to work as the groundskeeper at the apartment building she just moved into. They barely spoke in high school but now, three years after graduation, they tore at each other’s clothes and jumped into bed together at every opportunity. After all, how could a hot-blooded woman say no to a sexy man with an eyebrow ring, a dragon tattoo and a deadly swagger?

A Christmas miracle drew Krista back into Derek’s life. He kissed her for the first time under mistletoe, pampered her with romantic candlelight dinners and memorized every inch of her delectable body with his tongue. He refused to let his dream girl slip through his fingers again but then another woman threatened their whirlwind romance. Hurt once before, Krista broke off their relationship and then Derek made a drunken mistake that could destroy their love forever. With just days to Christmas, he vowed to win back her heart and trust, and prove his innocence once and for all.

Steamy Excerpt 

Derek’s frown deepened. “I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but why are you so insecure? You’re a beautiful woman. Don’t you know that? Didn’t that idiot Clint tell you so every day?”

Tears welled in her eyes. No, he didn’t. Krista used all her willpower to not brush her hands across her face.

He gently grasped her chin. The sincerity in his smile and in the depths of his gorgeous ocean-blue eyes nearly unraveled the tight control she held over her emotions. “You could never disappoint me.” His fingers tightened on her chin as he lowered his mouth to hers. A sigh of relief left her lungs and then Derek moaned as though he’d swallowed her breath of air. She whimpered as he pulled back and retreated to the edge of the bed. He kicked off his boots and socks, jerked off his sweater and the thick muscles in his back and shoulders bulged with his quick movements.

Her eyes widened as he stood and turned around to face her. “Oh my God.”

Derek paused as he unbuckled his belt and arched his sexy pierced eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re disappointed.”

Krista shook her head. “God, no. Have you seen yourself? You’re definitely bigger than I remember. No doubt about it.” She crawled higher up the bed and fluffed a few pillows as an all-male grin spread across his whiskered face. “The tattoo is a surprise, though.”

He glanced down at the colorful dragon tattoo that curled around his left bicep. “I plan to get full sleeves eventually but tats are expensive.” He flexed his arm and the dragon doubled in size. “I’ve also thought about piercing my nipples.”

Her gaze dropped to his chest. “Go for it. You’re only young once.” She licked her lips. “What you already have is hot, but I’m sure more would make you ever hotter.”

He wiggled his eyebrows. “I’m happy you like it.” He stripped away his jeans and boxers and then gripped his thick shaft in his palm. “Do you like this?”

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23355347-mistletoe-in-the-city

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Amazon – http://amzn.to/1pC6Tb9

Barnes and Noble – http://bit.ly/1MsjNjv

Smashwords – http://bit.ly/1LqUGK3

Kobo – http://bit.ly/1I4b6b8

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13 thoughts on “#MFRWSteam – He stripped away his jeans and boxers…”

  1. I do like confidence in a man–especially one that’s got blue eyes, piercings and tattoos! As for his shaft, are there any kind other than “thick” in romance novels? LOL. My toes are curling already!

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