Let’s welcome Janice to the blog for a one-on-one talk. Thanks for visiting.
What kind of research did you do for Alien Desire? Did you travel, use the Internet, speak with experts on a topic, etc?
I took some road trips to decide where my aliens were living. It had to be California in the mountains. I finally settled on an area just above Hunting Lake California.
Sweet. What process did you go through when you picked your characters’ names for Alien Desire?
I have the Character naming source book by Sherrilyn Kenyon and get a lot of my character’s names from there. It’s a great book.
Are your characters based on anyone you know?
Yes, two of my daughter’s friends who were cutters.
Do any of your characters take over and write the book themselves sometimes? Who?
Actually, I wrote Alien Heart before Alien Desire. This little half Japanese girl just marched into the scene and took it over. After I written the book, I kept hearing her voice asking when her book would be written so I had to write Alien Desire because of Saki. Her story happens earlier in the timeline, so I Indy published it first.
Haha. I’ve been there. The characters just take over sometimes. What do you prefer: ebook or print? Why?
I like both. I have a tablet with a kindle ap, but I still love the feel of a book in my hands, so I got a cover for my tablet that makes it seem move like a book than a tablet.
How long have you been writing? When did you decide to become an author?
Off and on since I was twenty. I tried earlier but didn’t make it work.
What did you do when you received your first Acceptance Letter?
In 2003. I feel kind of stupid now, but I when I got that first email, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I called my husband over. He read it, kissed my cheek, and told me, “You got your first contract, congratulations, honey.”
Same thing with me! All writers suffer from writer’s block at least once in their career. What’s your go-to cure?
Sadly I’m suffering from writer’s block right now. Three years ago, I lost my uncle, my step-dad, and then a niece. After I moved my mom in with us, I couldn’t write a damn thing. Luckily, I have several finished manuscripts that just needs to be polished up to get published. That much I can do. And it has gotten a bit better. I started writing again. A story I stop writing the day I found out my step-dad had passed away. It’s slow going and the story is dark, but I’m getting there.
I’m so sorry to hear that, but hopefully you’ll find some light in your dark book. Sometimes the romance genre gets a bad reputation for being cliché and full of Fabios. How do you respond to that?
*shrug* It is what it is. Romance is offered up as a fantasy, a hope, and a dream. There is love out there somewhere for everyone. Isn’t that a wonderful idea?
We all need a little inspiration in our lives. What’s your favorite quote and why?
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” ~ Maya Angelou
I used this quote for a while for my website. I just love what it says.
I love it! Any advice for the aspiring authors out there? Particularly those who are feeling a little discouraged?
I have this on a letter opener I got from my uncle who was in WWII:
“Never, never, never give up.”
― Winston Churchill
If you want to be a serious writer and have a career in this business keep in mind that a profession writer is someone who used to be an amateur but didn’t give up.
How do you market your books? What do you find more effective?
That is something I’m still working on.
Same here. What is your favorite book? Favorite author?
God Stalk by PC Hodgell.
Besides writing and reading, what are some of your hobbies?
Photography, gardening, and playing with my grandchildren.
What’s your most bizarre life experience?
I went on a drive with my mother on my birthday, and I swear this is true, we saw a coyote leap into the air and turn into a bald eagle then fly away.
I talked to a native American about this experience and asked if it meant anything. He told me it could be just a trickster playing a trick on me and it meant nothing.
Cool! Thanks again for visiting, Janice.

Blurb for Alien Desire:
The Arcons Tane and Brock Moonwalker are vacationing in the small town of Greenwood. Tane is dealing with agoraphobia, a condition worsened by the loss of their female. Brock and his friend needed to get away, but a tiny, gang ridden town is the last place they expected to find love.
Saki Starling had trouble on her heels and couldn’t catch a break. She lost her apartment and a local gang threatened her at every turn. With her week at its lowest point, Tane and Brock promised to brighten her darkening world.
Tane, Brock, and Saki must find a way to come together, if they have any hope of overcoming their past and heal their broken hearts.
Brock did a final sweep of the hotel room to make sure they hadn’t left anything, and then called to cancel the shuttle pick up. Lastly, he turned in the cardkeys to Steve, the day manager.
“You’re leaving a day early?” Steve asked with a glance at the computer screen.
Brock nodded and hoped he wouldn’t be charged extra because Saki was with them. “Yes. We need to get back home.”
Steve brought out a receipt for Brock to sign. “We had some interesting visitors looking for you earlier.”
Brock picked up the pen and froze. The hoodlums? He pretended indifference. “Oh really, who?”
“Several young, badly dressed bald men.” Steve looked at him. “I told them, that there were no Arcons here. He acted like he didn’t believe me and promised to come back later. Our night manager told us he spoke to someone and told them you were here. I’m sorry that happened, your privacy is important to us.”
His mouth went dry, and his heart pounded in his ears. The urge to flee with Saki and Tane tightened his muscles. He quickly signed the paper and handed it back. “Thank you. It’s definitely time to leave.”
“I would say so.” Steve smiled. “I hope your visit here was a pleasant one.”
Brock waved at Saki and Tane who were both waiting for him. The couple wore matching wraparound sunglasses against the sun’s glare. Tane had an arm around Saki’s shoulders as they both leaned against the jeep. His best friend looked perfectly at ease, standing outside.
Brock smiled. “It was. Thank you.” He hurried to join his friends. We’re running out of time.
Buy Links
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Alien-Desire-Chronicles-Janice-Seagraves-ebook/dp/B09DFBWBXS/
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1101434
Barnes & Noble: Alien Desire|NOOK Book

Janice Seagraves grew up with a deep love of science fiction and adventure stories. Always the consummate artist, she traded in her paint brush for a desktop to write breathless life-affirming novels that celebrate enduring love.
Website: https://janice-seagraves.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaniceSeagravesAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/janiceseagraves
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Good to see you, Janice! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us! And bet of luck on your new release!
Thank you, Amber, for having me on today. <3
Thank you, Vastine for the kind comments.