I love the collaboration afforded by anthologies. My latest Story, Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman, has been a blast. All the stories are steamy regardless of subgenre. The camaraderie we’ve shared has been awesome, plus we get to feel good that all the proceeds are going to charity. Here’s the blurb and an excerpt from my story, Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman?

Losing her virginity is free-born Eve Richardson’s only hope of escape from marriage to an insufferable fundamentalist preacher. In need of a knight in shining armor, she finds a potential candidate in straightlaced Madison Dugger, the first of his family born outside of slavery. Madison does find Eve desirable. He’s wanted her for as long as he’s known her. But what she’s asking him to do runs too close to his family’s painful history with slavery. To her dismay, he refuses. She must overcome his objections—and soon. Otherwise, she’s doomed to a life as a virtuous woman.
Eve massaged her temples. Could anything be more insufferable than listening to this man’s fundamentalist rantings? Actually, yes. Listening to her father insist Quansah would make an excellent son-in-law.
Her mother remained silent on the virtues of bringing the minister into the family. Eve divined a kindred contempt in her mother’s restrained reticence.
“You can see it on the young folks’ faces,” Quansah continued. “It’s not choiring angels or ‘Rock of Ages’ they’re listening to when they suck on those straws.” He confirmed his own opinion with a pompous nod.
Eve tugged at the lace of her high-necked collar. The last time she’d had an ice cream soda, she’d hummed ‘A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight.’ Moist heat had flared between her legs. This cretin couldn’t know of the cool delight that spread to her netherlips when she enjoyed the creamy dessert. Only someone who had themselves been excited…
A smirk twisted her lips. Quansah was speaking for himself. Ice cream sodas aroused his lusts just as they did hers.
The minister’s gaze lingered on Eve’s lap as if he could see through her drawers. She enjoyed the wetness that suffused her sex whenever she awakened a man’s interest—just not a man like Quansah. Self-important. Sanctimonious. Salacious.
She shifted on her chair’s padded cushion for relief. No. Better to remember the stirring caused at yesterday’s All Hallow Eve’s Bible study—and the man whose presence had created the erotic excitement. Madison Dugger. Shy. Straight-laced. Secretive.
Choiring angels hadn’t sung ‘Rock of Ages’ when she and Madison had stared at each other last night. His dark-skinned complexion had reddened with a nice flush of embarrassment. He’d removed his wire-rim glasses with trembling fingers, wiped imagined filth from their already-immaculate lenses. A delicious pleasure had rippled across her labia. She’d crossed her legs and tensed her thigh muscles to still the thrill. She had to cross her legs and tense those muscles now as she recalled the moment’s ecstasy.
Buy link: https://books2read.com/u/mdDP7O

Michal Scott is the erotic romance pen name of Anna Taylor Sweringen, a retired United Church of Christ and Presbyterian Church USA minister. Inspired by the love mystics of Begijn, Audre Lorde and bell hooks, Rev. Anna writes romance that’s always steamy, oftentimes spiritual, sometimes both. She uses story settings to give insight into the African American experience in the US.
Website: https://michalscott.webs.com.
Twitter: @mscottauthor1
amazon author page: https://amzn.to/2TSHzRn
newsletter : https://mailchi.mp/106e6b05cdfe/michal-scotts-newsletter