Book two in the On the River series.
Author: PK Corey
Blushing Books
Release Date August 6, 2021
Contempered romance, spanking
Author’s note – All my books take a loving look into domestic discipline marriages. You’ll find enough spanking to satisfy most anyone! But you’ll also find strong men and feisty women with fiercely loyal friendships and a love story that many would envy.
Our genre has gotten darker lately – excellent books, to be sure. But sometimes I want something lighter that still has plenty of spanking. Readers say my books make them laugh and cry and feel like they are visiting with an old friend. I hope you’ll have that experience.
Sales blurb:
Everyone has secrets, but most don’t have major implications. When Jenny tries to keep her weekend activities from Cal, the repercussions of him finding out land only on her. But some secrets are bigger and more far reaching. You would think that as long as Cassie, Sue and Annie have known each other, surely they could have no real secrets from one another. But you’d be surprised. The full truth behind one secret may never be known, another could change the face of The Landing forever.
From steamy sex to both playful and painful spankings, the people on the river continue to live and love and marvel at all that are learning.
Tom woke later to the sound of a low frightened-sounding moan. He reached for Cassie but she wasn’t close. He groped for the lamp. Cassie was near the edge of their large bed. “No, no!” she shouted. Then more quietly, “Hide me! Please God, no!”
Tom was appalled by the absolute terror in her voice. He reached for her, afraid she would fall out of the bed. “No!” she nearly screamed as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to him.
“No!” she continued to cry loudly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Don’t hurt me!”
“Cassie, Cassie! Wake up,” Tom was repeating. “Wake up, you’re safe. Cassie, open your eyes. It’s Tom. You’re safe, honey. Wake up.”
She was rigid in his arms for a moment, then jerked her head around. “Tom!” The relief in her voice was evident and then she burst into sobs and clung to him. Tom sat up against the headboard and pulled her onto his lap. Her body was covered in sweat and she was shaking with emotion, from fear or relief Tom couldn’t tell.
He heard a faint knock on their open door and Lily spoke. “Mr. Tom? Is everythin’ all right? I heard Missy hollerin’. Can I do anythin’?”
“Yes, please come in Lily,” Tom answered. He pulled the sheet up over Cassie as he held her close. “Could you get a glass of water and a cool cloth?”
Tom held the cool cloth to her face and he talked quietly. Cassie often told him that just the sound of his voice was like a cool balm to her so he talked on, telling her she was fine, that Sue would heal and Allie was healthy and happy. Her breathing was slowing but she was still pressing tighter and tighter against him.
After a few minutes he chuckled, “Girl, if you get any closer you’re going to be behind me.” He could feel her body relax a little. “You want a sip of water?” he asked. She shook her head.
“He was coming for me. He was going to hurt me,” she said.
“Who was going to hurt you? Not Dawson?”
“No, not him,” Cassie continued in a low whisper. “Not him…it was Edwin.”
Edwin! Tom stared down at Cassie. He hadn’t heard her say that name aloud in more than forty years. Why in God’s name would she have a nightmare about a man who had been dead for more than fifty years?
Edwin had been Cassie’s first husband.
Buy links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09C12FVV8/
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/secrets-on-the-river-pk-corey/1139963574
Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1579550411
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/secrets-on-the-river
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=w1o7EAAAQBAJ
Blushing Books: https://www.blushingbooks.com/product/secrets-on-the-river/

Author Bio
Meet PK Corey
I’ve been intrigued by spanking stories since before I first saw Ricky spank Lucy. Stories of this nature were hard to come by before the Internet and the ones I found were a little harsh on discipline and very much lacking in love. So, I made up my own stories and enjoyed these in my head for years. I finally began writing them down. Although the lovely women in my stories are spanked often, the love between them and their men is the most vital part of their lives together.
I don’t think of myself as a writer so much as a storyteller. I don’t churn out books nearly as fast as perhaps my readers would like. My stories are told to me by my characters and I pass them along. I write what I’ve always wanted to read about – dominant men, strong women, intense love and loyal friendships. My Cassie’s Space series is about a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite adoring Cassie’s free-spirited ways, Tom is determined to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee to do it. And with her friend and accomplice Sue by her side, a trip over his knee is very likely. The Cal’s Law series is about a younger couple. Though from very different backgrounds, Cal and Jenny are drawn together by love and discipline. And my newest series, On the River, combines all my characters as they go about their lives on The Landing.
I was a school teacher most of my adult life. Now retired, I love having the time to write. I share a fulfilled life with my wonderful husband and my cat, Sophie. My adult children come around enough to keep us satisfied. Besides writing I spend my time reading and designing and unique, hand-drawing bookmarks. And I delight in hearing from my readers. You can contact me at
PK Corey’s Reading Room http://pk-corey.blogspot.com
email: pk.corey@yahoo.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pkcorey
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pk.corey/
Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/PK-Corey/e/B00H9W9XB4/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
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