Publisher: Daulton Publishing
Release Date: October 11th, 2022
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: 85k
Heat Rating: 5 Flames
A one-night stand, a surprise baby, and a mysterious stalker.
Mechanic Benjamin Starwell can’t stop thinking about Belle Hamlin, the ballsy musician he slept with and skipped out on months earlier. He never meant to get her pregnant, but he’ll do whatever it takes to win back her trust and be a part of his child’s life. His desire for Belle drives him to be a better man, but he’s worn thin with a garage to run and his estranged sister dumping her troubles on him.
Belle’s juggling impending motherhood, her indie rock career, and a stalker who’s determined to see her fail. Even though she’s desperate to get her priorities straight, she pushes aside her past hurt and welcomes Benji back into her bed. She never expects him to slip into her heart.
When the danger escalates, they face the greatest challenge of all—protecting their unborn child.
As he drew to a stop beside Lando’s station wagon in the driveway, Belle parked along the curb. The motion detector light flashed on from the old shed, nearly blinding him. He climbed from the truck.
Moonlight cast a silver glow over the yard as Belle hurried toward him.
“Cool. A duplex.” She tightened her scarf around her neck. “When was it built?”
“The 1940s. I live in the right-side unit, and my landlord lives in the other one.” He rubbed his hands together as a breeze rustled through the trees. “Lando’s children moved out east, so he converted the family home into a duplex about two decades ago. The old-timer is spry but pushing eighty. I take care of the house and grounds. In return, he deducts my rent.”
“Lando the landlord?”
“Hilarious, right?” Benji chuckled. “I’ve lived here for about fifteen years. God, I can’t believe it’s been so long.” Crickets chirped from the bushes lining the covered wooden porch as he guided her up the platform. The middle step creaked under his weight. Decorative fixtures lit each doorway, and he hesitated at the entrance of his home.
“Everything all right?”
“I should’ve told you this before now, but my sister has been staying with me. She’s barely crossed my mind, though. All I’ve cared about is making things right with you.”
Belle drew back. “I didn’t think you had any contact with her.”
“She called me from out of the blue. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it at dinner.”
“Is Meghan why you have those marks?”
“Unfortunately.” He rubbed his cheek, the bruise barely stinging.
After he ushered Belle inside, he flipped on a light and locked the door behind him. A staircase lined the dividing wall that separated Benji’s home from Lando’s. The hall stretched to the right of the stairs, leading deeper into the house.
“Feel free to look around. The door beneath the stairs opens into the basement and laundry room. The steps are steep, so be careful.”
“You expect me to snoop? What will I find in the basement—chains and whips?”
He groaned from the devilish gleam in her eyes. “If I’m gonna chain you, it’ll be to my bed.” He shifted sideways, trying to hide the sudden bulge in his jeans. “You’re welcome here anytime.”
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
He glanced up the stairs and raised his voice. “Meghan, will you come down?” Silence rang in his ears. He softened his voice, focusing on Belle. “She’s like a hermit and only comes out of the guest room for food or to use the bathroom.”
“You guys haven’t talked much, have you?”
“No. We have nothing in common except DNA. Grab a drink from the fridge if you want. I’ll bring her down for a meet and greet.” He took the steps two at a time and swung open the guest room door. Ugh. The faint stench of cigarettes wafted in the air. Stupid! Knock first, damn it. The last thing he needed was the image of his naked sister burned into his corneas. Where was she?
With one of her bags in the corner and her clothes strewn about, she hadn’t moved out.
He strode down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door. “Hey, Meghan?” No answer. After checking the bathroom and other rooms, he grumbled a curse and headed back downstairs. “She’s gone, but her stuff is here.”
“Maybe it’s for the best.” Belle leaned on the hall wall. “I wasn’t looking forward to making small talk with a stranger while you showered.”
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have asked that of you.” Tension stiffened his back. He rolled his shoulders, relieving the strain. Damn, he was foolish. He couldn’t stand to be around Meghan. Why would Belle? “Anyway, I’ll go get cleaned up.”
“You really trust me alone down here?” She tsked. A grin curved her lips. “What if I nabbed your silverware?”
“Be my guest. Just leave the knives with the black handles. Those cut steak better than the silver ones.” He winked. Her carefree laughter wrapping around his heart also jolted a massive swell of blood to his cock. Shit, he’d have to jack off now. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and dashed upstairs.

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Enjoyed especially “What if I steal your silverware.
Thanks!! I really like this scene!
Shared to Twitter! – Kayelle Allen
Thanks a lot!