In this dark fairy tale adaptation of a medieval French legend, Issylte must flee the wicked queen, finding shelter with a fairy witch who teaches her the verdant magic of the forest. Fate leads her to the otherworldly realm of the Lady of the Lake and the Elves of Avalon, where she must choose between her life as a healer or fight to save her ravaged kingdom.
Tristan of Lyonesse is a Knight of the Round Table who must overcome the horrors of his past and defend his king or lose everything. When he becomes a warrior of the Tribe of Dana, a gift of Druidic magic might hold the key he seeks.
Haunted and hunted. Entwined by fate. Can their passion and power prevail?
As the only child of the widowed king of Ireland, twelve-year-old Princess Issylte’s idyllic life goes astray when her father marries a cold, calculating princess from another kingdom. After the new queen orders Issylte killed, the girl escapes and goes on a journey of self-discovery all the while the need for vengeance grows in her heart.
Eighteen-year-old Tristan serves his uncle Marke, King of Cornwall, and soon becomes a Knight of the Round Table in service to Arthur, High King of Britain. His only drive in life is to fight and protect others from the same evil that had once befallen his family. When he and Issylte meet as adults, their lives become intertwined.
I’m not very familiar with the Tristan and Isolde legend, so I was eager to read this retelling. It begins with both main characters as children, but they don’t meet until the end of the book, at 84% on my Kindle. Each of their backstories and character arcs are vivid and detailed. Ms. Walker continues their journey in two other books, so I’m sure their mutual attraction will flourish into love later on.
There were several wonderful secondary characters, including Tristan’s friend and fellow knight Lancelot as well as Issylte’s lover, Ronan the blacksmith elf, who’s my preferred hero of the story.
For readers who want a good fantasy read that’s full of fairies, elves, magic, Medieval and Celtic history, and Arthurian legends, you’ll love this book.
4 Stars
— If you’ve read this book, I’d love to know what you think of it. Please comment below.