Publisher: Daulton Publishing
Release Date: October 11th, 2022
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: 85k
Heat Rating: 5 Flames
A one-night stand, a surprise baby, and a mysterious stalker.
Mechanic Benjamin Starwell can’t stop thinking about Belle Hamlin, the ballsy musician he slept with and skipped out on months earlier. He never meant to get her pregnant, but he’ll do whatever it takes to win back her trust and be a part of his child’s life. His desire for Belle drives him to be a better man, but he’s worn thin with a garage to run and his estranged sister dumping her troubles on him.
Belle’s juggling impending motherhood, her indie rock career, and a stalker who’s determined to see her fail. Even though she’s desperate to get her priorities straight, she pushes aside her past hurt and welcomes Benji back into her bed. She never expects him to slip into her heart.
When the danger escalates, they face the greatest challenge of all—protecting their unborn child.
Background for scene: After Belle’s performance, Benji awaits for her to join him and her friends at her merchandise stand.
Every fiber in his body demanded he kiss her. She hesitated a few feet from him and sucked her plump bottom lip between her teeth. After such a commanding performance, how could she be shy? Or was she worried?
“C’mon.” Chanel nudged her in the ribs.
Belle sighed and crossed her arms. “What do you think, Benji? Are we good, or am I too much trouble and high maintenance?”
If she didn’t already know the answer to that, he better up his game. He grabbed her arms and kissed her. Delicious. Her sweet gasp trekked down his throat as the taste of cherries shot off fireworks in his mouth. Could she feel the need, desire, and pride swelling in his chest? He had to claim her. Love her. Promise her everything. What more could he do? He broke off the kiss and held her close.
She nuzzled his chest, squeezing him tight.
“Your songs will never scare me off.” He slid his finger under her chin and lifted her face. Their gazes locked. “You’re amazing. I’m honored to be your guy, and I look forward to proving that to you for the rest of my life.”
Stars danced in her eyes. “You mean it?”
“With all my heart. I’ll stay true. I’ll never cut you. You’ll never have to feed my balls to your cat, I promise.”
She laughed as her cheeks reddened.
Her friends grinned, and Chanel wiped tears from her eyes.
As the headliners took the stage, Benji returned to his seat and pulled Belle onto his lap.
She wiggled her ass, digging into his crotch, and winked at him from over her shoulder.
He groaned. The little minx.

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Excellent excerpt! The heat is palpable.
I really like this line: “Every fiber in his body demanded he kiss her.” Agree with Lisabet – palpable!
Great excerpt. Nice heat.
Great excerpt.
Heat was palpable. I loved this “With all my heart. I’ll stay true. I’ll never cut you. You’ll never have to feed my balls to your cat, I promise.” The scene it conjured up made me giggle. Enjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for sharing!
That’s one of my favorite lines from the book!
Thanks, Tena!