A discovery of priceless artwork leads Jamie on a collision course with danger.
Jamie Richmond used to live a nice, quiet life. But last fall she witnessed the shooting of a police officer and figured out who did it. Then this winter saw her best friend targeted by a stalker and kidnapped. Yep, Jamie solved that one and came to the rescue. Now it’s summertime and the living is supposed to be easy. All she wants to do is write her novels and spend free time with Malone, the guy who has been by her side since all this craziness began. But that’s not likely to happen.
Jamie’s father was a very successful sculptor who tragically died more than twenty years ago when she was just a child. What she remembers about him is little more than bits and pieces. A storeroom filled with crates of his work is discovered in an old converted factory. This potential fortune in artwork has been waiting all these years.
Jamie recruits Malone and a few close friends to help her unpack the crates and bring her father’s gifts out to the light of day. News of this discovery leads to a robbery. Now Jamie is determined to figure out who is behind the crime.
In book 3 of the Jamie Richmond Mystery series, Jamie learns that a cache of her late father’s sculpture has been discovered. He was already famous when alive but has become even more so in the years following his death. Now Jamie and her estranged, globe-trotting mother have to catalog this incredible and expensive find and then figure out what to do with it. Then one of the sculptures is stolen, and not only is Jamie and her cop boyfriend Malone on a quest to find it, she also wants to uncover the secrets of her father’s past and answer some questions that’s plagued her for years.
Jamie and Malone are wonderful, three-dimensional characters. They fit well together both in and out of the bedroom, and I loved how much they supported each other. Even though I liked them a lot, I found it a little annoying that he refused to tell her his first name and that she made a game out of trying to guess it. I just didn’t understand that part.
My favorite secondary character is Bert, Jamie’s stepfather. I loved how close she was to him especially since she wasn’t close to her own father before he died.
I haven’t read the previous books in the series, and that’s okay. This book stands well on its own, and those other stories were alluded to just enough to clear up any possible questions.
If you’re in the mood for a smart mystery with lots of steam, Fleeing Beauty should handle that craving.
5 Stars
— If you’ve read this book, I’d love to know what you think of it. Please comment below.