Cassie is on the move and loving life. Through paint-ball game in the woods and a water park adventure she’s gets to know her new neighbors as the new house is renovated.
Cassie is traveling too. From trips with just the girls to conventions, vacations, and cruises with Tom and friends, she’s always ready for the next adventure. But when Cassie begins having dizzy spells Tom thinks a slower pace is in order. Getting Cassie to slow down and take care of herself proves to be quite a challenge. A challenge Tom is more than determined to take on.
Author’s note – This series of books takes a loving look into a domestic discipline marriage. You’ll find that they have an active sex life, though you may have to use your imagination for the details. And you’ll find enough spanking to satisfy most anyone! But you’ll also find strong men and feisty women with fiercely loyal friendships and a love story that many would envy.
Our genre has gotten darker lately – excellent books, to be sure. But sometimes I want something lighter that still has plenty of spanking. Readers say my books make them laugh and cry and feel like they are visiting with an old friend. I hope you’ll give one a try.
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Available in Kindle and paperback
Scanning the crowd, I spotted a man coming toward me – Peabrain. At least this was my name for the horrid little man coming my way. Peabrain and I have a history. I’m embarrassed to say I dated him for a short time, long before I met Tom. I hadn’t spotted him anywhere during the convention and I’d assumed he hadn’t come.
As he continued my way, I looked for Tom. He and Annie were all the way across the room and I began heading in their direction. Peabrain stepped into my path and opened his arms, as if to give me a hug. I stepped back, repulsed.
“Now, Cassie,” he cooed in that voice that made my skin crawl, “is that any way to treat an old friend? I just wanted to ask you for a dance.”
He had obviously been drinking. He had to know I wouldn’t have danced with him if my life had depended on it. I didn’t even choose to respond. I stepped around him, but before I could move away that fool grabbed my ass and squeezed, saying, “Don’t remember what you’re missing, do you?”
There are no words that can describe my outrage. I’m not sure what rose to the surface first. Possibly pain, because I’d been thoroughly spanked just hours earlier. Or perhaps it was simply fury that any man, especially this one, would put his hands on me uninvited.
Without giving it any real thought, I turned and threw my drink into his leering face. He tried to wipe the alcohol from his eyes with one hand while grabbing my arm with his other. “You fucking slut—” I heard him say before fear seemed to close my ears. Even knowing Tom and my friends were close by, I felt real terror. I’d experienced this man’s violence before. For an insistent I felt I was transported back to that horrible night. I could almost feel his hand on my throat and see his fist drawn back to strike me.
All this happened in seconds. When he grabbed me I just had time to call out, “Tom!”
Instantly, it seemed, I heard Tom shouting, “Take your hands off her.” And I sensed a stampede of people heading our way. As they neared, Peabrain didn’t just let go. He shoved me hard and I stumbled, trying to regain my balance. Tom was there to catch me before I fell.
Peabrain shouted, “That stupid bitch threw—”
With Tom holding me, it was Steve whose punch caught Peabrain in the mouth and sent him falling back over some chairs.
Meet PK Corey
After spending thirty-six years in two careers I liked just fine, I’ve finally found my dream career as a writer. I’ve been happily married for thirty-six-years and my sweet husband has gotten used to the unique experience of living with a writer. He is very encouraging and an excellent editor when he’s pressed into service.
I’ve been intrigued by spanking stories since before I first saw Ricky spank Lucy. Stories of this nature were hard to come by before the Internet and the ones I found were a little harsh on discipline and very much lacking in love. So, I made up my own stories and enjoyed these in my head for years. I finally began writing them down. Although the lovely women in my stories are spanked often, the love between them and their men takes top priority.
My Cassie’s Space series shows a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite loving Cassie’s free-spirited ways, Tom is determined to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee. And with her friend Sue by her side and all they get into, a trip over his knee is very likely. My Cal’s Law series, is about a younger couple. Though they come from very different backgrounds, love and discipline draw them together.
I love my husband, my kids, my cats, reading, writing and hearing from my readers. You can contact me at pk.corey@yahoo.com
PK Corey’s Reading Room blog: http://pk-corey.blogspot.com
email: pk.corey@yahoo.com
Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/PK-Corey/e/B00H9W9XB4/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

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