#MFRWhooks – Is that mistletoe I see?

Book 3 in the Handmade for Christmas series
Heat Rating – Spicy – 3 Flames 
New Adult Christmas novella


Krista Hartley never expected the unrequited love of her life, the irresistible Derek Weston, to work as the groundskeeper at the apartment building she just moved into. They barely spoke in high school but now, three years after graduation, they tore at each other’s clothes and jumped into bed together at every opportunity. After all, how could a hot-blooded woman say no to a sexy man with an eyebrow ring, a dragon tattoo and a deadly swagger?

A Christmas miracle drew Krista back into Derek’s life. He kissed her for the first time under mistletoe, pampered her with romantic candlelight dinners and memorized every inch of her delectable body with his tongue. He refused to let his dream girl slip through his fingers again but then another woman threatened their whirlwind romance. Hurt once before, Krista broke off their relationship and then Derek made a drunken mistake that could destroy their love forever. With just days to Christmas, he vowed to win back her heart and trust, and prove his innocence once and for all.


Krista sat down on the plaid sofa and rubbed her hands along the soft upholstery. “Everything is so clean. I expected a messy bachelor pad.”

He chuckled and sat beside her. “I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a slob. I can’t stand dirty floors or clothes flung everywhere. Each item belongs in a certain spot and I tend to trip and hurt myself if I leave things out and about.”

“Wow, and I thought I was anal.” She smiled at him as he braced his arm on the back of the sofa. “You were always a little clumsy. It seems to me you outgrew it.”

He tensed and drew away from her. “I acted like a clumsy fool back in school whenever you walked into the room. I just panicked. I’m still a little clumsy if I don’t pay attention to my surroundings. It’s one big reason why I hate clutter.” He drummed his hands on his knees. “I’ve matured a lot since then. We’ve talked quite a bit in the past few days and I haven’t stuttered once, or much. Not to mention the other things we did that I never had the balls to do before.”

Still a little sore from those other things, Krista pushed aside the erotic memories before heat infused her face. “I never looked down on you for your clumsiness. Actually, I thought it was cute and endearing. It felt more real to me than the times you acted all macho with your moody friends.”

He arched his brow. “Seriously? You liked that humiliating trait? I felt like an idiot every time I got near you.”

“And now? You’re not nervous now, right?”

Derek scoffed. “I’m a fucking wreck. I barely hold myself together around you. I watch everything I do and say so I won’t make a fool of myself.” He ducked his head between his legs. “God, I can’t believe I said that.”

She scooted closer to him and rubbed her hand down his tense back. “Now I understand why you act so cocky. You’re afraid you’ll mess up and embarrass yourself.” Krista tugged on his shoulder until he lifted his head to look at her. Derek’s face flushed and she wanted to kiss away his shame. “Don’t hide behind this confident guard. I like you for you. You’re a sweet person, clumsy or not, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.” She stroked her hand through his tousled hair. “I want a simple, sexy, understanding man who cooks delicious, romantic meals and who goes out of his way to help me move. Is that too much to ask for?”

Krista sat down on the plaid sofa and rubbed her hands along the soft upholstery. “Everything is so clean. I expected a messy bachelor pad.”

He chuckled and sat beside her. “I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a slob. I can’t stand dirty floors or clothes flung everywhere. Each item belongs in a certain spot and I tend to trip and hurt myself if I leave things out and about.”

“Wow, and I thought I was anal.” She smiled at him as he braced his arm on the back of the sofa. “You were always a little clumsy. It seems to me you outgrew it.”

He tensed and drew away from her. “I acted like a clumsy fool back in school whenever you walked into the room. I just panicked. I’m still a little clumsy if I don’t pay attention to my surroundings. It’s one big reason why I hate clutter.” He drummed his hands on his knees. “I’ve matured a lot since then. We’ve talked quite a bit in the past few days and I haven’t stuttered once, or much. Not to mention the other things we did that I never had the balls to do before.”

Still a little sore from those other things, Krista pushed aside the erotic memories before heat infused her face. “I never looked down on you for your clumsiness. Actually, I thought it was cute and endearing. It felt more real to me than the times you acted all macho with your moody friends.”

He arched his brow. “Seriously? You liked that humiliating trait? I felt like an idiot every time I got near you.”

“And now? You’re not nervous now, right?”

Derek scoffed. “I’m a fucking wreck. I barely hold myself together around you. I watch everything I do and say so I won’t make a fool of myself.” He ducked his head between his legs. “God, I can’t believe I said that.”

She scooted closer to him and rubbed her hand down his tense back. “Now I understand why you act so cocky. You’re afraid you’ll mess up and embarrass yourself.” Krista tugged on his shoulder until he lifted his head to look at her. Derek’s face flushed and she wanted to kiss away his shame. “Don’t hide behind this confident guard. I like you for you. You’re a sweet person, clumsy or not, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.” She stroked her hand through his tousled hair. “I want a simple, sexy, understanding man who cooks delicious, romantic meals and who goes out of his way to help me move. Is that too much to ask for?”

Derek kissed her and her heart skipped a beat. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her close to his side. Need throbbed in her loins and she wanted him inside her again. He pulled back first and she dragged a mouthful of air deep into her lungs to replace what he’d stolen with that delirious kiss. He moistened his lips with his tongue. “It’s not too much, Krista.” Derek cupped her cheek in his palm. “Not at all.” And then he kissed her again.

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9 thoughts on “#MFRWhooks – Is that mistletoe I see?”

  1. LOL, he really wouldn’t like my place! I’m a very cluttered individual, body and soul, I’m afraid. 😉
    An intriguing snippet. His confident swagger hides a bit of insecurity.
    ~Cie from Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost~

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