Ever since the birth of his daughter, Nalla, Zsadist has been regressing further and further into the life he led before he met Bella, his beautiful shellan. He has been waking up in cold sweats due to nightmares from his past, hasn’t made love to his wife, and won’t hold his baby girl, for fear that he might hurt her. While Nalla’s presence had consisted of only joy and excitement in first couple months of her life, now it seems to be driving the couple apart. Bella is afraid that she and Nalla just may need to leave her hellren.
But then Zsadist gets injured on a mission to fight the lessers and because he hasn’t been feeding from Bella, almost loses his life. Could this near-death experience create the motivation to pull this couple back together? Or has the gap between them spanned too far for redemption?
In this Black Dagger Brotherhood novella, Bella isn’t happy with her marriage. Zsadist still suffers from horrendous nightmares and thinks about his time as a blood and sex slave far too often. She gives him the space he needs, but he’s withdrawing from her and their infant daughter, Nalla. Though he’s protective of them, he no longer kisses Bella, and he refuses to hold or even touch his daughter. The rest of the Brotherhood and the shellans in the household adore Nalla, but Bella is prepared to leave Zsadist for good if he doesn’t shape up and be the hellren and papa Bella needs him to be.
This is such an emotionally charged story. Zsadist has grown a lot from his introduction in the first book, Dark Lover, and even more from his main story, Lover Awakened. He’s still on the road to recovery, but his fear is dragging him back to the darkness in his mind.
For first time readers, I really think you should read the prior books to understand this one. However, for readers of the series, you won’t be missing anything if you skip this novella. Still, I recommend it because it’s a sweet story. I love this couple!
5 Stars