#BookReview – “Heart of the Wolf” by Terry Spear


Bella, a female red werewolf, was adopted by a pack of gray wolves as a pup. Now grown up, the alpha of the pack tries to make her his mate against her will–Bella knows she has no choice but to run away.

She makes her way as a lone wolf until childhood friend, Devlyn, comes to bring her home. On their journey back, they get tangled in up in unimaginable danger and must apprehend a werewolf murderer while keeping their identity secret from humans. The chemistry between them sizzles like never before…but they both know if they mate, Devlyn will have to fight the pack’s wicked alpha…and it’s a fight to the death.


In the first book of the Heart of the Wolf series, red wolf Bella has been in hiding for the past 150 years from the gray wolf pack that raised her after she lost her family as a child. Though she loves and misses her adoptive pack, the gray wolf leader Volan wants her for his mate and refuses to take no for an answer. To save herself and Devlyn, the beta wolf she loves, she ran away to live as a rogue wolf (a wolf without a pack), but Volan and Devlyn have still been searching for her all this time. After a little incident in the woods, Bella finds herself trapped in a zoo (in her wolf form) and face to face with Devlyn.

Devlyn never thought he would see Bella again, but after he learns of her abduction and new home in a zoo, he sets out to free her and to return her to Volan as ordered. Unfortunately, Devlyn’s not the only wolf interested in saving Bella from her humiliating calamity. As Devlyn and Bella investigate a string of human deaths in the city of Portland, they realize their love for one another never died. But when pitted against nosy but well-meaning humans, the cruel Volan, and the local red wolf pack, Bella and Devlyn might have bitten off more than they bargained for.

I enjoyed the set up for this series. The red and gray wolves are interesting characters, and I’m anxious to learn more about pack law and life, and their histories and legends.

Bella is an independent woman who’s gone through a lot over the years. She’s learned to survive on her own and how to trust herself above all others. She’s protective of those she cares about and will do anything to help them.

Devlyn didn’t have much of a back-story, and other than him being an obedient beta to Volan and him starting up a business, I’m not sure what his life has been like for the past 150 years. He’s very alpha when it comes to protecting and loving Bella, and with her at his side, he finally decides to man up and become the alpha leader he was always meant to be.

I like the author’s writing style, but the number of sex scenes slowed the pacing, especially in the middle of the book. I’m looking forward to reading more books in the series.

3 Stars

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