Let’s welcome the heroine from Targeted, a new western romance by Beverley Bateman, to the hot seat.
What’s your name?
Janna Kincaid
What do you look like?
I’m five foot seven inches. I have long black hair and my eyes are a violet cover. My skin is pale, and I sunburn easily. I work out so I’m in fairly good shape.
What time period does your story take place?
It takes place during this time frame.
What’s your goal in this story?
At the beginning my goal is to become a producer but when I return to the ranch that was left to me. My goal becomes confused. How can I stay at the ranch and still work in Seattle?
What conflicts are you facing?
I’ve just inherited a ranch and have to return to the town where I was raised to settle the estate. I’m not sure if I want to sell it or keep it and the man I married, and left is still there, and I don’t want to see him again. Oh, and someone wants to kill me.
What is your occupation? Are you any good at it? Do you like it?
I’m a director at one of the largest television studios in Seattle. Yes, I’m good at it. I’m one of the top directors in Seattle.
I like it. I’ve worked hard to get to this position.
What did you think the first time you saw Kye Hawkins?
I was six years old when we met at school. He was smart, and there was something about him, a depth like he’d been here before. He was like a magnet and she’d fallen in love with him.
What is your family like?
I have my mother. She raised me on her own. I don’t have time to develop relationships and I don’t want marriage and family. I’m married to my work.

After an eleven year absence Janna Kincaid inherits a ranch and is forced to return to a town she only remembers with unhappiness, a man to whom she was briefly married and never wants to see again, and someone is trying to kill her.
Kye Hawkins has loved Janna since he first met her. They were married but a few weeks later she ran away, without an explanation. He still hasn’t figured out why. Now she’s coming back. Does she still love him? Can he rekindle the romance and also prevent her from being killed?
Janna doesn’t want Kye’s help in anyway, yet he always seems to be there when she’s in trouble. Can they work together to find a killer, save the Native burial ground and home of the spirits, and find romance again?
Buy Links:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/targeted/id1054711828?ls=1&mt=11
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Beverley_Bateman_Targeted?id=pnfgCgAAQBAJ&hl=en
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/targeted-14
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/targeted-beverley-bateman/1123164617?ean=2940152823387
Someone had shot her back tire. Janna gripped the wheel to keep the vehicle on the road. She debated whether to try and outrun the shooter, wherever he was, or find cover. The windshield shattered as a third bullet entered the passenger side.
So much for outrunning the shooter.
She scanned the area and spotted an outcropping of rocks a few feet ahead on her right. She aimed the vehicle in that direction.
Two more shots, and both the back tires went down.
Definitely find cover.
Janna ducked low behind the steering wheel until the vehicle reached the rocks. When the car stopped, she grabbed the keys from the ignition and her purse and dove out the door. Bullets bounced off the rocks behind her as she scrambled for cover. Whoever was doing the shooting was serous. Anyone of the shots could have hit her.
She reached the rocks, keeping low until she got to the middle where she curled up as tightly as possible, her back against a rock. Her heart pounded in her ears, her breathing came in gasps.
What the hell is going on? Why are they shooting at me? Was it the same person who shot at me in Seattle? That doesn’t seem likely, but who even knew I was coming here?
Yeah right, be honest, Janna, does this road look like many strangers came this way? And if they did, would they have a lot to steal? You really think this person selected a spot in the rocks where he would have a good shot at my vehicle. Coincidence? Not damn likely.
At least she’d worn boots and jeans—even if they were designer jeans. Now they were filthy, and so was her red sweater and jean jacket.
Another shot hit the rock behind her. She rolled over onto her stomach, shaded her eyes, and squinted into the sun. He must be up on the cliffs straight ahead. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she might have glimpsed a light, maybe a reflection off his scope.
Terrific! Now what? My gun is in my purse. I could fire back, but that would be a waste of bullets at this distance.
She yanked out her cell and punched in 9-1-1.
Damn—no reception.
A pounding pulsed through the ground and came closer. Janna could feel the vibrations. It felt like horses. She glanced around, without raising her head, to see what was coming.
Suddenly there was a hand in front of her face.
“Grab it and jump on.”
The deep, rumbling voice was not asking. It was an order.
Janna grabbed the strong hand. In one smooth motion, she swung up behind a man on his horse. Seconds later, she had her hands wrapped around his well-developed, muscular chest, as the big chestnut thundered across the ground, out of the bullets’ range.
The man wore a leather jacket over a sweater. Her hands slid under the jacket for better grip. Even through the sweater she could feel sinewy muscles. She laid her head against his back and his braid. She took a breath in, inhaling the rich scent of leather, trying to calm her racing heart rate.
He had a familiar woodsy scent that made her think of sex under pine trees, not that she’d ever made love there. In fact, her sex life was pretty negligible these days.

Beverley Bateman is a Canadian author who now lives in Medicine Hat, Alberta, exchanging the Okanagan vineyards and orchards for ranches and farms.
She lives there with her husband and a Shiba Inu dog. Winters she’s a snowbird and heads south. She writes her latest romantic suspense in both places. Hunted, Missing and the newest – Targeted are part of her Montana, Hawkins Ranch series. She enjoys reading, watercolor painting and playing the Native American flute.
Social Media Find Beverley at:
Website – http://www.beverleybateman.com
Blog – http://beverleybateman.blogspot.ca/
Twitter @kelownawriter
Facebook Authorpage – http://www.facebook.com/AuthorBeverleyBateman?ref=hl
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/okwriter
Amazon author page http://www.amazon.com/Beverley-Bateman/e/B008M01F5E
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/beverley.bateman.18?fref=ts
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7052567.Beverley_Bateman