Author: Jaye Peaches
Published: 19/2/2021
Genre: Historical fiction / Medieval fiction / erotic Romance / BDSM
#hashtags : #kidnappedbride #eroticromance #historicalromance #fantasyromance #knightsandladies #darkromance
Her only hope of rescue is to be kidnapped.
If he really loves her, he will never let her go. But she isn’t his.
Though Lady Juliet Lomarda has been promised as a wife to the Duke of Barranto, the marriage has not yet been consummated and the task of escorting the bride to her future husband has been assigned to Captain Stefan Ilian. The trip will be perilous, however, and in order to avoid drawing attention to themselves Stefan will take on the role of her husband during the journey.
Juliet is given no say in the matter, and when she protests the arrangement Stefan makes it clear that defiance will earn her a humiliating switching right then and there. It isn’t long before Juliet finds herself over her stern, infuriatingly sexy protector’s knee for a sound spanking on her bare bottom, but to her surprise the painful, embarrassing chastisement leaves her shamefully aroused.
Stefan’s sense of duty keeps him from ravaging Juliet in the way she desires, but the discovery that the duke already has plans to take mistresses changes his mind. Determined to claim Juliet as his, Stefan puts in motion a plan to have her kidnapped so he can then rescue her, bring her to his castle, and keep her there in secret until her marriage has been annulled. But is she prepared to spend the coming months serving him like a common wench both in public and in his bed?
Publisher’s Note: The Kidnapped Bride includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
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Amazon – https://amzn.to/3kjDotj
“What keeps the man,” she muttered.
“Patience,” Oletta whispered, who was seated on the wagon with the food and baggage.
Abruptly, the men on horseback straightened in unison and their sergeant saluted a man entering the courtyard.
Juliet gulped. He was a giant, surely, or so it seemed from the way he strode across the flagstones with his black cape billowing in the light wind. She hadn’t expected a man so young or energetic. She had assumed, wrongly, that her escort would be a weedy old soldier relieved to discover he was still of use.
The new arrival paused by her parents and bowed low enough to indicate he was the lesser lord but not so low that it meant he wasn’t worthy of their acknowledgement. Once he was upright, he ignored their brief nods and walked straight toward Juliet.
“My lady wife,” he said mockingly. “You are already mounted.”
Juliet hated him already. “Here I am, as requested.”
“Quite so, but not as a wife should be. Is it not the law of our lands, of Barranto, Umzard, and Lomarda, that a newlywed wife must at all times show her husband the same fealty she would give to a king or duke? Is it not required that you must be constantly meek and obedient in your manners?”
“But you are not my husband and the laws of—”
“For the purposes of this journey, you are my wife and this illusion is done to protect you from bandits and our enemies. If I were to arrive in Barranto without my duchess, my head would be on a spike. And, as I suggested to your good father, you must be well practised in these acts of submission, for the duke is a keen proponent of the traditional Laws of Matrimony, something to which I note your lady mother, like many Lomarda women, has abandoned. We in Barranto are beholden to the code of the warrior lords who conquer, who bestow order and bring their women both comfort and protection. You will kindly dismount and to ensure you begin this journey in the correct frame of mind, you will make the appropriate gesture that a good wife does when greeting her husband.”
Juliet grasped her reins tighter. “Father,” she called out. “This rude man insults me. Am I not a duchess?”
The Lord of Lomarda approached the captain. She waited with a smirk for her father’s admonishment of the upstart soldier.
“My apologies, Captain Ilian. We have not had the time to instil upon my daughter the danger she is in if she does not abide by the Laws of Matrimony…
Jaye Peaches is an author of erotic D/s romances including Amazon bestsellers. All her books contain an element of BDSM, spankings or erotic games of sensual exploration. If you desire a little thrill, something to entice, then please take the time to read one of her books. Thank you!
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