#BookReview – “Never Let Go” by Selena Fulton


Kendra Prescott, a high-powered Atlanta real estate broker, is sent to England to coax the owner to sell a beautiful cottage. Family portraits line the stairway, and Kendra finds one man, Benjamin Sheffield, fascinating. Too bad he lived almost two centuries ago.

In 1863, Benjamin Sheffield escaped England because of a trumped-up murder charge. He came to America to disappear in the vast Western frontier but was delayed by a little thing called the War Between The States.

When Kendra trips on a rock and loses consciousness, she wakes in the middle of Civil War-torn Georgia. She doesn’t know what happened to the cottage, but when she sees Ben, she realizes he is the key, her only chance of returning to her own time. Trouble is, now that she’s met him, she isn’t sure she wants to.


Kendra Prescott’s life revolves around her work as a buyer for an Atlanta real estate company, and she goes to England to meet with the owner of a picturesque cottage in hopes of making a deal. While at the cottage, she finds an old family portrait of a gorgeous man from the 1800s, and then she takes a tumble down a hill and hits her head. When she wakes up, she finds a man standing over her with a gun in his hand.

Benjamin Sheffield left his home in England and is now fighting in the American Civil War, in 1865. His honor demands he help the strangely dressed woman he found in the mud, but her attitude and sensual appeal tries his manners and patience. Though he doesn’t really believe her outrageous story, he knows he can’t leave a lone woman in the middle of a war zone.

I liked the H/h for the most part. Kendra is a snarky, strong-willed woman but becomes very dependent on Ben. His past haunts him, but he’s still prepared to help Kendra. Their attraction was almost instant, which I liked, but their love bloomed far too fast. The time travel part was never explained, which was disappointing.

Anyway, the story is well written without any typos, and I enjoyed Ms. Fulton’s voice.

3.5 Stars

— If you’ve read this book, I’d love to know what you think of it. Please comment below.

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