#MFRWHooks – Forever Winter will be here in One More Week!

Heat Rating – Sweet – 1 Flame
Regency Christmas novella

OMG! Only one more week until Forever Winter is live! I’m so excited to re-release this sweet Christmas romance on October 5th!


A perfect Christmas wedding, a snowstorm, and a shocking secret. What could go wrong?

Susanna Lorican must marry the man she loves before the truth is discovered, or face the gossip of the ton. With an unexpected snowstorm injuring the minister, her future hangs in the balance.

Viscount Camden Beckinworth vows to keep his bride safe, even if he must betray her confidence. When their love is put to the test, how will he uphold her honor without jeopardizing his own?

Second edition. Newly revised and edited.


Everything was her fault. Waves of heat billowed under her skin as her knees gave out. Susanna plopped on the settee with as much grace as a bumbling man deep in his cups. The tears dripping down her hot cheeks splattered on the bodice of her dress and darkened the fabric. The springs in the settee squeaked as Camden claimed the space beside her. He brushed his lips across her forehead in a touch so sweet and light that her heartbeat quickened.

“Breathe, darling. I’ll summon another man of the cloth right away.”

“No.” She gripped his shirt to steady her shaky hands. “The road is not safe for travel. We should not risk another reverend or anyone else becoming injured on our account.”

He nodded and clasped her face. “I love you, Susanna Lorican. Nothing will change that. Stay strong for me. We will get through this.”

She pried from his hold and dashed away her tears. “It’s all my fault. What was I thinking? A winter wedding? I must be insane.”

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Just .99 cents for a limited time!

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Universal link – https://books2read.com/u/38dkDB

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