#NEBT – “Texas Passion” by Anita Philmar

Texas Passion by Anita Philmar
Publisher: Amazon and Smashwords Publishing
Release Date: April 1st, 2022
Genre: Hot Historical Western
Length: 19k
Heat Rating: 4 flames 


Furious, Catherine Jensen refuses to allow her dream of marrying Trent McCall to fall into ruins because of an end-of-the-trail party. Not wanting him to sleep with a painted lady or two on the eve of their engagement, she arranges a seduction. But at what cost? Will it secure their future or ruin her squeaky-clean reputation?

Excited to celebrate his success of completing a long cattle drive with a sexy lady, Trent is blindsided with the news of an arranged marriage between him and a girl he hasn’t seen in four years because she’d hightailed it to Boston. Now a city girl, she’d probably turn out to be just like his family’s deserting momma, who’d bail when the going got tough. 

Pissed, his bad mood eases when he learns a special lady was meeting him at his hunting cabin. With the future uncertain, he figured a passion-filled night might lighten the load of his matrimonial chains. 

– Texas Passion is a hot historical western romance. This novella guarantees a HEA with several other stories in the series.

– Second edition. Newly revised and edited.

Tagline: Determined woman means to secure her man.

Hashtags: #romance, hot read, western, TexasRomance, historical

Sexy Excerpt:

Apprehension slithered over her skin, and a lump the size of Texas grew in her throat. “I… uh…”


More of an accusation than a question her name echoed in her head. “Yes, I…” She edged closer, hoping for a chance to explain.

Shuffling quickly backward as if catching sight of a rattler, his back collided with the door. “Holy shit, what are you doing here?”

Watching him closely, she saw how his gaze dropped to the swell of her breasts before the catty-whumped expression on his face registered. Clarity bolstered her courage, persuading her to carry through with her seduction.

Wow! The heat in his eyes proved he found her appealing. Even if he might deny it. Untying the knot at her waist, she relished the energy pulsing through every nerve ending. “I decided since we’re essentially engaged, I didn’t want you sleeping with another woman.”

“Whoa, don’t even think about removing that robe.” Holding his hands up to stop her progress, his tongue slid over his parched lips while the blaze in his eyes sparked higher.

Confidence growing, the doubt that had plagued her for the last few hours faded. He might resist, but she’d show him this was what they both wanted. “Trent, I…”

With his lips straightening into a stern line, he blurted out, “You don’t need to do this.”

“Then you weren’t planning to make love to another woman tonight?” Convinced she’d made the right decision to meet him here. Her fingers toyed with her collar before she eased her robe off her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the bend in her arms. “Because if you are, it’ll have to be me. I’m the only woman you’re allowed to touch from now on.”

Head jerking as if he’d taken a shot to the chin, he squared his shoulders. Anger sparked in his eyes, telling her better than words that he wasn’t excited by the idea. “We’re not married yet.”

Note from Anita: I am currently rewriting my books and plan to re-release a new book each month for the next few years. Welcome to the journey and I hope you join me for this exciting ride.

About the Author

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day, and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way. With the influence of her children’s sci-fi programs, she likes to play with diverse cultures and places where anything can happen. She enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genre, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.

Social Media Sites

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/anita.philmar

Blog: https://sexyladyanitaphilmar.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/anitaphilmar

Find Anita Philmar’s Books at

Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N0DXIQO

Apple – https://books.apple.com/us/book/texas-passion/id1218676978

Barnes and Nobles – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/texas-passion-anita-philmar/1103682538

Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/711708

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