#MFRWSteam – Shea’s about to experience delicious torment.

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Dangerous Entanglements
Release Date: December 6th, 2022
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Blurb for the Dangerous Entanglements box set

Passion, just like all of life’s entanglements can be…dangerous.

From mind twisting thrillers to pulse-pounding suspense, this limited-edition collection of today’s hottest best-selling authors has something for all tastes.

Whether you are on the edge of your seat or curled up into a ball with fright, this set from Romance Collections will not disappoint.

Step inside the minds of these characters. Ride along with them on their journeys. Indulge in their action-filled tales of suspense.

Blurb for Trevor’s Redemption, my contribution

The danger and lies are more than she can handle.

Shea O’Bannon feels like a fifth wheel around her romantically paired-off friends, but there’s too much slime in the dating pool for her to bother with it. Then she sees her two-timing ex, Trevor Madero, serenading the mostly female crowd at a live-music bar. God knows trouble follows him around, but her desire for him rushes back in anyway. After he rescues her from a handsy drunk, temptation takes over.

Determined to prove he never stepped out on Shea, Trevor slides back into her life—and her heart—with forever in mind. Even with the wall he keeps up to protect her, his secret criminal life weighs heavy on his soul and drives a wedge between them.

When the truth comes out and his enemies target them both, they’ll have to fight for their love, or kiss it goodbye.

Tagline: Will the truth send her running, or will she fight for the man she loves?

Steamy Excerpt for Trevor’s Redemption:

His taste buds tingled, her shower-fresh sweetness an aphrodisiac. He kissed her foot, swirled his tongue across the sole, and popped one of her toes into his mouth.

She bucked again within the restraint of his arms. “Oh my God.”

He chuckled and released the toe with a popping sound. After he licked and treasured her other foot, he climbed onto the sofa and knelt between her spread legs. Her glistening center opened for him. Later. There was no need to rush. He feathered kisses up her right calf, on the underside of her knee, and licked a wet trail across her inner thigh.

“God, Trevor. What are you doing?” She fisted the cushion and wiggled.

“I’m tormenting you. What does it feel like?”

“Torment, definitely.”

“Should I stop?”

“Don’t you dare.”

He smirked. Damned if he didn’t love her bossy side. He swooped his tongue around her belly button, dipped in, and clasped her waist as she lurched up.

“Damn it, yes.” She twined her fingers into his hair and tugged.

His scalp smarted. He kissed her quivering stomach and clasped her naughty little nipple between his teeth. The pebble swelled as he suckled and lightly squeezed her velvet-smooth breasts.

She gripped his shoulders and pulled him closer to her chest.

Ah! Her nails bit through his shirt. He released the nub with a swipe of his tongue, and the bite of her nails eased. He suckled her other nipple more gently.

She gasped, arching her back, pushing her mounds against his face.

Paradise. He drew back for air and claimed her warm mouth. Fiery need sizzled through his veins and pulsed through every organ. He licked from the tip of her button nose to her forehead and kissed each eyebrow.

“More, please.”

Her breathy plea coiled around his heart. “Come for me.” He thumbed her clit and slipped his finger in between her hot, slick folds.

“Yes, Trevor. There.” She thrust against his hand as soft little mewls left her mouth. She dug her nails against his biceps. “Faster.”

How could he deny her? He pinched and rubbed her puffy clit harder and grinned as she cried out. “That’s it, honey.” He plunged two digits into heaven. Her eyes widened, and her mouth formed a pouty O. Strength and satin clamped his fingers. He suckled her neck, pushing his fingers in and out, stretching her channel. His throbbing cock ached for her.

“Oh God, Trevor. I need more.”

He edged back and bent his head between her thighs. He licked her cream and groaned. Fucking hell. Honey, sugar, and spice. Had anything ever tasted so good? As she cried out again, he scissor-kicked his fingers inside her and flicked his tongue across her clitoris.

Her feet shuffled on the cushions, seeking traction. She gasped and gripped his head, forcing his face harder against her.


Download Dangerous Entanglements

Universal B2R – https://bit.ly/DangerousEntanglementsSO

Amazon – https://amzn.to/3oCs6Da

Barnes and Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dangerous-entanglements-nicole-morgan/1141779550

iTunes – https://books.apple.com/us/book/dangerous-entanglements/id6443158419

Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/dangerous-entanglements

5 thoughts on “#MFRWSteam – Shea’s about to experience delicious torment.”

  1. I have to echo Maggie. The line “Satin and strength clamped his fingers” is really lovely. The whole excerpt is wonderfully steamy.

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