Twenty-four hours to fall in love. Does she stand a chance?
Professional picture framer Annalise Gallagher knows more about canvasses and framing artwork than affairs of the heart, so she’s resigned herself to watching Elijah Burleigh, the new tour guide at her favorite art museum, from afar. That is, until her friend gives her a magic locket. After she makes a wish for a full-body makeover, she’s transformed into a confident, gorgeous woman with one goal in mind.
Racing against the clock, she sets out to win the heart of her dream man, but will her adventure in love lead to self-discovery or confirm her belief that she’s no Cinderella?
– Cinderella’s Enchanted Night is a steamy contemporary romance novella with a magical twist. It’s perfect for readers who like a little dazzle in their read.
– Second edition. Fully revised and edited.
“I’m so happy you came by today.” Elijah teased kisses down her chin to the hollow of her neck. He gripped her hips and stared deep into her eyes. “I promised myself I would ask you out the next time I saw you. Had I known you worked across the street from me, I would’ve stopped in to see you. I swear it.”
“I believe you, but…” Annalise trailed off, her throat tightening. She stepped out of his grasp and brushed her shaking hands down the sides of her dress.
“But what? Something’s going on with you. I can tell. You can trust me with anything.”
Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them back. “I’m not sexy or a fashionista. I’m not a little badass who wears safety pins and skulls on her clothes all the time. This dress”—she spread her arms to show her taffeta gown—“is beautiful, but it’s not me. Don’t get the wrong idea, okay? The real me is just plain.”
“I remember the first time I saw you. My nerves were through the roof, and I was using cue cards for my first tour because I hadn’t yet memorized the information or studied the artwork on my own. Then the world suddenly stopped. I couldn’t breathe. There you were at the back of my group in the hottest little white-and-blue striped dress I’d ever seen.” She tried to turn away, but he drew her close and cupped her cheek. “A scarf covered your hair, but this one pesky lock kept escaping no matter how many times you hooked it behind your ear. You also wore a bulky black jacket over the dress like you were trying to hide in it.”
She tsked. He’d pegged her from day one. “I bought the dress on a whim but didn’t wear it until my friends dared me to. I felt uncomfortable in it, hence the jacket, so I donated the dress to a thrift store.”
He sighed. “That’s too bad. Memories of you in that outfit keep me awake at night.”
“You’re such a flatterer.” She lightly popped his chest with an open palm.
“True, but I’m not a liar.”
“I’m grateful for that.” Annalise shifted her face out of his grasp and licked the roughened pad of his index finger. Desire darkened his narrowed eyes as his chest heaved. God, if looks could kill. He’d eat her right up. She shivered and blew out an unsteady breath. “I’m not perfect, and my baggage is like a black cloud hanging over my head. Tonight, none of it matters. Will you make love to me and accept whatever happens in the morning?”
Elijah craned his head. “You’re underestimating me about something, but God help me, I can’t figure out what it is or why.” He reached up and removed a few strategically placed jeweled bobby pins from her coiffure. Her curly locks cascaded around her shoulders, and he fluffed them out. Then he pulled off her shawl and took her purse to stash along with the pins on the old-fashioned vanity. He pulled her back into his arms. “Tonight will be about making love. Tomorrow, I want an explanation.”
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