#NewRelease #CharacterInterview – “Jazz House” by D.V. Stone

The heroine from Jazz House is visiting today for a one-on-one chat. Let’s get started!

Thanks for coming. For the record, what’s your name?

Pleased to meet you. I’m called Madeline Cielo these days, but since everything we say is confidential, my real name is Jordan Vasilakis.

What do you look like?

I think I resemble my idol, Sarah Vaughn. 

Ooh, I’ve always thought she was so pretty. What time period and location does your story take place?

I arrived in Slate Quarry, Pennsylvania, a few months ago. It’s a good place to hide in today’s age of cell phone cameras everywhere.

That’s interesting! What’s your goal in this story?
To stay safe. To find peace. 

Those are good goals. What conflicts are you facing?

If my husband, Kyrios, ever finds me, let’s just say my goals would be unmet. I’m also trying to keep those I’ve come to care for out of my troubles. Kyrios. He thinks he’s above the law and wouldn’t hesitate to harm anyone I care about.

Oh, no! How would you describe your life? 

Lonely is the first thing that comes to mind. Because of my situation, I have to keep everyone at arm’s length. I do love singing at Jazz House. It makes me feel like I’m part of something.

We all need that feeling. What skill do you have that you’re proud of? Why?

I’m a good singer. I can scat with the best of them. It’s hard work. My stage persona draws people in and makes them happy. So, I guess I’m proud of making others happy. I also make all of my own costumes. My mom was a sewer, and I carry on her traditions and teaching.

What did you think the first time you saw Michael?

My first thought was fear. Here I am, hiding in plain sight, and a police officer walks into Jazz House. Relief was second when I found out he’s friends with my bosses and not there for me. Soon, though, I realized not only was he handsome, but a genuinely caring human being. 

Since I’ve read your book, I remember feeling worry and fear for you, too, when he walked in. Do you have a pet? What kind? If you don’t, what kind would you like to have?

I don’t myself, but Michael has two rescued German Shepherds and two horses. I enjoy spending time with them. 

Those are my favorite kind dogs. Are you book-smart, self-taught, or widely-experienced?

One day when I was a kid, my mom turned the radio to a jazz station. Bam! I was hooked. Then every chance I had, I sang duets with whoever came on, especially the women of jazz. I practiced singing harmony and counterpoint. I’m self-taught on the piano. 

Cool! What is your viewpoint on wealth?

I had wealth through my husband. Money doesn’t make you happy. And for some people, it can corrupt. Wealth to me is family and friends. Unfortunately, because of my circumstances, I’m a little on the poor side. 

So true–money isn’t everything. Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed? 

A romance novel, lots of shoes, and a go bag.

If you could go back in time, what one thing would you change in your life?

I wouldn’t have allowed my naïve self to fall for an older rich man who enjoys too much power and causing others pain.

Makes sense. Why do you think your author chose to write about you?

She loves music, especially Jazz. I think she also wanted to show when you allow others to help there is hope to overcome even the most trying circumstances. Oh, and I think she adores Michael and wanted him to find someone.

I adore Michael too! What other character from your book do you think your author should write a book about? Care to tell us why?

My boss, Olivia House. Olivia is the spoke of the Impact series. She has so many struggles but is one of the kindest and most caring individuals I’ve ever met. My author has started her story several times, but it’s hard for her to write. She gets quite emotional.

I’m so looking forward to Olivia’s story, so I hope Ms. Stone can finish it. Thanks so much for visiting, Jordan. It’s been great!

Jazz House 
Book two of the Impact Series
Release Date August 31, 2022
Romantic Suspense/ Sweet
Tagline: One woman’s choices. One man’s impact.
Word count 58672
978-1-5092-4338-9 Paperback
978-1-5092-4339-6 Digital


Jordan Vasilakis is on the run, living under an assumed name. After a disastrous marriage to a notorious Greek business tycoon, she flees to the States and starts rebuilding her life. But her ruthless husband is determined to destroy her…once he finds her.

Michael Machau is drawn to the new singer at Jazz House restaurant, but the guarded woman is harboring dangerous secrets. The dedicated police officer may have to risk more than just his heart to forge a connection with the woman he knows as Madeline Cielo, especially when he discovers she’s living a lie.

Worlds collide. Lies entangle. Survival, much less love, is in question. They must quickly distinguish friends from enemies or risk losing everything—including a future together.

Short Excerpt

Jordan scrambled to the other side of the limo. 

“You sing good tonight.” He scrolled through his phone. 

“Yes, Kyrios.” 

Outside the window, massive cruise ships docked in the port. Happy older people made their way up the gangplanks toting bags filled with souvenirs, while the younger ones debarked dressed for the nightlife. Sparkly sequins flashed like diamonds as one young woman twirled on the pier. 

God, how had she come to this life? She willed her hovering tears not to fall. Kyrios wouldn’t approve. 

When she was offered a place in the touring group ten years ago, she thought it was the beginning of great things. Standing in the cabaret with the lights shining down was her dream come true. When she was the woman in the sparkly dress. 

Until he showed up. 

Each night, Kyrios Vasilakis, Greek business tycoon, sat at the front table watching her. Yes, he was older but so very handsome. Dark hair with silver at the temples, he cut a dashing figure in his black suits. 

Jordan began to sing to him. It was the beginning of the end. After a whirlwind romance, she found herself a prisoner in marriage to a brute.

Download Links




Universal Link – https://books2read.com/u/mZQq0e


Animals, Military/Cop, Family Life/Oriented, Friends to Lovers, Workplace, Police
Multicultural, Contemporary, Women’s Fiction

Contemporary Romance; Romantic Suspense; Glitz and Glamour; New Beginnings; Cops; Broken Dreams; Jazz; Secret Identity; Abuse Survivor; Inspirational

Author Bio

D. V. Stone is an award-winning, multi-genre, traditionally and independently published author. She writes books people want to read. Whether romance or fantasy, her stories are about the importance of friends and family. About overcoming obstacles while doing it with humor.

Around the Fire is a popular weekly blog where she introduces both established and new authors, giving an insider’s look into their lives and books and tidbits about her own life.

After retiring, she is now a full-time author and incorporates her life experiences into her books. 

A former Emergency Medical Technician, she volunteered in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She worked as a professional EMT in a women’s state prison. She was the proprietor of a coffee shop and a small restaurant/ice cream stand in the years that followed. The years following were as a manager in an animal emergency hospital, while her last position was in a human medical office.

When not behind the wheel of 2Hoots—a 41-foot long 13.2 feet high 5th Wheel camper, she rambles around town in Northern New Jersey in a white Camaro. She also loves travel and history.

D.V. is wife to an amazing husband, mother to one son, and not your average grandma to three beautiful grands. A woman of faith, she believes and trusts in God. 

“My greatest pleasures are spending time outside with friends and family, cooking over the open fire, sipping a glass of wine, and reading.”

Hali, her rescue dog, always reminds her to let readers know, “Woof, woof.” Which is loosely translated as support your local animal rescue.

You can learn more about D. V. by following her on social media.

For one-stop connections Link Tree 
Amazon Author Page  
Around the Fire Blog with D.V. Stone

Other Books by 
D. V. Stone

Rainbow Sprinkles by The Wild Rose Press
After the storm come the rainbows.
Amazon Barnes & Noble  iBooks

Rock House Grill by The Wild Rose Press
One man’s choices. One woman’s Impact.
Amazon Barnes & Noble iBook’s  Google Books Kobo

Contributing Author
Australia Burns by The Wild Rose Press

Independently Published
Mid Grade
Agent Sam Carter 
The Mystery at Branch Lake https://a.co/bb0HlkS
The Mystery at High Pointe Tower https://a.co/bb0HlkS

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