Today, author Cherie Colyer is visiting to talk about books and her writing. Let’s get started…
Are your characters based on anyone you know?
I’ve pulled some of my characters’ personality traits from people I know, but none of my characters are based on one specific person.
I do the same thing! Do any of your characters take over and write the book themselves? Who?
Oh yes! Peyton, the main character in Salted Caramel Bliss with a Wedding Kiss, is the best friend of the main character in my holiday romance Merry Little Wishing Spritz. So, she and I knew each other long before I started to write Salted Caramel Bliss with a Wedding Kiss. She often helped to decide what would happen next in the book and what spells she would cast.
I love when secondary characters demand stories of their own. It’s happened to me several times. What do you prefer: ebook, print, or audiobook? Why?
I love them all. Print books because they are physical books I can hold and carry them with me. And I have several autographed copies. Physical books also give me a place to put bookmarks and some have such gorgeous covers and end pages. Ebooks are easier to read in bed, because I don’t have to worry about my light keeping my husband up. Plus, with ebooks, I always have a book with me. Audiobooks allow me to listen to books while I work out, cook, clean, really just about anything that doesn’t require me to talk back.
Agreed. What did you do when you received your first Acceptance Letter?
Jumped up and down with joy, called my husband to tell him the good news, and then emails my critique partners to let them know.
Love it! All writers suffer from writer’s block at least once in their career. What’s your go-to cure?
I step away from my WIP. Something for a few hours, sometimes for days. If this doesn’t work, I ask myself what if as I jot down different ideas until one of them sticks.
That’s a good idea–writing down new scenarios of a plot. We all need a little inspiration in our lives. What’s your favorite quote and why?
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
We are all unique and special. Sometimes it can be hard to remember this. And I believe that a person will never truly be happy if they are trying to conform to what they believe others want or expect. But if we are ourselves, if we do what we love and are passionate about, then we’ll find happiness and joy.
Well put. Thank you for visiting. I’m thrilled to share your new book with my readers.

Series: One Scoop or Two (each book is standalone)
Author: Cherie Colyer
Cover artist: RJ Morris
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genres: Contemporary Paranormal Romance
Heat rating: PG13 Spicy
Tagline: A kiss to remember… if only she could.
Book Blurb:
Roman Briggs built a life for himself in Siren’s Cove. He restored the Sugar Cones Ice Cream Parlor and turned it into a popular stop along the boardwalk. He has everything he needs until a certain blue-eyed woman wanders back into his life.
Seer and witch Peyton Woods isn’t sure why her latest visions feature a man and boy she’s never met. Determined to find out, she casts a spell that leads her to a small beach town in Maine and, to her utter surprise, the man who broke her heart eight years earlier.
Peyton’s left with one question. Why didn’t her magic show her him?

The man who had broken my heart on my twenty- third birthday walked out of the backroom. Eight years was a long time. My heart had since healed. Or so I had thought. Seeing him again ripped open old wounds. And darn it if he didn’t look as attractive now as he did then. It would have been easier to run into him again if he were fat, bald, and ugly. But he was just as handsome as before—all tall and sinewy. He still wore his black hair shaved close to his head, and I recognized his Hawaiian shirt as one I’d bought.
After the long road trip, I had to be a sight and not a knock ’em dead one. I almost twitched my nose, ready to cast a spell to smooth my hair and add a little color to my cheeks, but stopped. With my luck, magic would decide the enchantment was for personal gain and turn me into a hag. I ran a hand over my head instead.
“A customer thinks your ice cream is delicious. What else?” Karly said.
“Thank you.” Roman threw a friendly grin my way. His mouth fell open. “Peyton?”
Since vanishing in a puff of green smoke wasn’t an option—partially because it would expose magic and partly because I wasn’t even sure that was possible—I returned his smile. I wouldn’t let him see me rattled.
“Do you two know each other?” Karly asked.
“Ah…yeah.” Roman’s jaw muscle twitched the way it always did when he was flustered. I bet he wished he could vanish in a puff of smoke too.
Buy Links:
Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Apple ~ Universal link
About the author:

Professional network technician by day, novelist by night, Cherie lives a quiet life in the Chicago suburbs with her charming husband. She has four amazing sons who she loves dearly. Cherie magically weaves together stories with a paranormal twist. She’s the author of the Embrace series, Challenging Destiny, Damned When I Didn’t, and Friends to the End. She waltzed into the adult novel world with Merry Little Wishing Spritz. She’s delighted to be back with Salted Caramel Bliss with a Wedding Kiss.
To learn more about Cherie and her novels, visit
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